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Firing Information and Policies
We bisque fire to cone 06, and glaze fire to cone 5.
Firing for pieces made in class is included in the price of the class, subject to the limits outlined in the course description.
Bisque firing is included with open studio day passes, punch cards, and studio membership. The glaze firing is not included.
The firing price is figured by volume, using the grid-scale in the studio. As a general rule of thumb, you can estimate about $1 for a standard size mug. The use of studio glazes is included in this cost. You may use your own commercial glazes, but there is no discount for not using studio glazes.
Pieces must have a dry foot, and bases must be clean and ready to be put in the kiln. If a base has not been cleaned or has been glazed, we will leave the piece on the shelf until the problem has been fixed.
For an entire kiln load please ask for pricing.
We do offer firing services for pieces made outside the studio, however, we will only do so if you can produce the label for the glaze and clay used. Glaze fire and bisque fire are two separate firings and you will be charged for each firing.
If the glaze on your piece runs or otherwise damages the kiln or kiln shelves, you will be liable for the cost to repair or replace.
We make no guarantees as far as finished pieces. We are not responsible for any runs, cracks, bloating, or other faults. We will refire pieces if desired, subject to the pricing mentioned above.
Pieces will be fired as soon as we are able, but please understand that priority for firing is set by the studio owner. Circumstances such as kiln maintenance and repair, class schedules, amount of pieces waiting for a specific type of firing, large or thick pieces and other details affect our schedule. If you need a short turn around firing, please discuss the matter with the studio owner. If we can accommodate, we will, however, we will not guarantee we can complete firings by a specific day or time.
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